I’ve found it surprisingly difficult to find current resources about learning
assembly, particularly for 64-bit systems. In fact, many of the guides I found
are still using the outdated int 80h
instruction to invoke system calls.
By gleaning bits of information from varied sources I was finally able to cobble together a working “Hello world” program in NASM assembly for 64-bit Linux.
;;; hello.nasm ;;;
; 64-bit "Hello world" program for Linux
; Compiling and linking:
; nasm -f elf64 hello.nasm
; ld -o hello hello.o
; Preprocessor defines
%define SysWrite 0x01 ; System call code for writing
%define Stdout 1 ; File handle for standard output
%define SysExit 0x3C ; System call code for exiting
%define Success 0 ; Successful exit status
%define Newline 10 ; The newline character, '\n'
; Constants section
section .data
; Message to print as a sequence of bytes
Greeting: db 'Hello there!', Newline
; GreetingLength = current address - address of GreetingCurrent
GreetingLength: equ $ - Greeting
; Code section
section .text
global _start
; Code execution entry point
mov rax, SysWrite ; Set "Write" system call code
mov rdi, Stdout ; Set output file handle to stdout
mov rsi, Greeting ; Set output string to Greeting
mov rdx, GreetingLength ; Set output string length to GreetingLength
syscall ; Perform system call
mov rax, SysExit ; Set "Exit" system call code
mov rdi, Success ; Set successful exit status
syscall ; Perform system call
A key point to note is the usage of syscall
rather than int 80h
. This
instruction requires different sys codes, which is something that threw me
off for a while. For example, sys_write is 0x04 for int 80h
but you need to
use 0x01 for syscall
Fortunately, I found an excellent reference for syscall which helped a great deal.
I also discovered that different registers are used to pass arguments with
. Thanks to
a post on 64-bit shellcode
I realised that the correct register-to-argument mapping is:
RAX = System call number
RDI = First argument
RSI = Second argument
RDX = Third argument
R10 = Fourth argument
R8 = Fifth argument
R9 = Sixth argument
This is quite different (and less intuitive) than int 80h
, which simply uses
RAX, RBX, RCX, and so forth.